What awaits ahead is a series of challenges. Each one will require a little initiative, a little thinking, and a whole lot of JetBrains to get to the end. Cheating is allowed and in some places encouraged. You have until the 15th of March at 12:00 CET to finish all the quests. Getting to the end of each quest will earn you a reward. Let the quest commence!
JetBrains has a lot of products, but there is one that looks like a joke on our Products page, you should start there... (hint: use Chrome Incognito mode) It’s dangerous to go alone take this key: Good luck! == Jrrg#oxfn$
scala> val line = "Qlfh$#Li#|rx#duh#uhdglqj#wklv#|rx#pxvw#kdyh#zrunhg#rxw#krz#wr#ghfu|sw#lw1#Wklv#lv#rxu#lvvxh#wudfnhu#ghvljqhg#iru#djloh#whdpv1#Lw#lv#iuhh#iru#xs#wr#6#xvhuv#lq#Forxg#dqg#iru#43#xvhuv#lq#Vwdqgdorqh/#vr#li#|rx#zdqw#wr#jlyh#lw#d#jr#lq#|rxu#whdp#wkhq#zh#wrwdoo|#uhfrpphqg#lw1#|rx#kdyh#ilqlvkhg#wkh#iluvw#Txhvw/#qrz#lw“v#wlph#wr#uhghhp#|rxu#iluvw#sul}h1#Wkh#frgh#iru#wkh#iluvw#txhvw#lv#‟WkhGulyhWrGhyhors†1#Jr#wr#wkh#Txhvw#Sdjh#dqg#xvh#wkh#frgh#wr#fodlp#|rxu#sul}h1#kwwsv=22zzz1mhweudlqv1frp2surpr2txhvw2" line: String = Qlfh$#Li#|rx#duh#uhdglqj#wklv#|rx#pxvw#kdyh#zrunhg#rxw#krz#wr#ghfu|sw#lw1#Wklv#lv#rxu#lvvxh#wudfnhu#ghvljqhg#iru#djloh#whdpv1#Lw#lv#iuhh#iru#xs#wr#6#xvhuv#lq#Forxg#dqg#iru#43#xvhuv#lq#Vwdqgdorqh/#vr#li#|rx#zdqw#wr#jlyh#lw#d#jr#lq#|rxu#whdp#wkhq#zh#wrwdoo|#uhfrpphqg#lw1#|rx#kdyh#ilqlvkhg#wkh#iluvw#Txhvw/#qrz#lw“v#wlph#wr#uhghhp#|rxu#iluvw#sul}h1#Wkh#frgh#iru#wkh#iluvw#txhvw#lv#‟WkhGulyhWrGhyhors†1#Jr#wr#wkh#Txhvw#Sdjh#dqg#xvh#wkh#frgh#wr#fodlp#|rxu#sul}h1#kwwsv=22zzz1mhweudlqv1frp2surpr2txhvw2
scala> line.map(ch => (ch - ('J'-'G')).toChar).mkString res7: String = Nice! If you are reading this you must have worked out how to decrypt it. This is our issue tracker designed for agile teams. It is free for up to 3 users in Cloud and for10 users in Standalone, so if you want to give it a go in your team then we totally recommend it. you have finished the first Quest, now it’s time to redeem your first prize. The code for the first quest is “TheDriveToDevelop”. Go to the QuestPage and use the code to claim your prize. https://www.jetbrains.com/promo/quest/
//上面是旧的,新的为 scala> line.map(ch => (ch - ('J'-'G')).toChar).mkString res7: String = Nice! If you are reading this you must have worked out how to decrypt it. This is our issue tracker designed for agile teams. It is free for up to 3 users in Cloud and for10 users in Standalone, so if you want to give it a go in your team then we totally recommend it. you have finished the first Quest, now it’s time to redeem your first prize. The code for the first quest is “TheDriveToDevelop”. Go to the QuestPage and use the code to claim your prize. https://www.jetbrains.com/promo/quest/
scala> val line = "Qlfh$#Li#|rx#duh#uhdglqj#wklv#|rx#pxvw#kdyh#zrunhg#rxw#krz#wr#ghfu|sw#lw1#Wklv#lv#rxu#lvvxh#wudfnhu#ghvljqhg#iru#djloh#whdpv1#Lw#lv#iuhh#iru#xs#wr#6#xvhuv#lq#Forxg#dqg#iru#43#xvhuv#lq#Vwdqgdorqh/#vr#li#|rx#zdqw#wr#jlyh#lw#d#jr#lq#|rxu#whdp#wkhq#zh#wrwdoo|#uhfrpphqg#lw1#|rx#kdyh#ilqlvkhg#wkh#iluvw#Txhvw/#qrz#lw“v#wlph#wr#uhghhp#|rxu#iluvw#sul}h1#Wkh#frgh#iru#wkh#iluvw#txhvw#lv#‟EhfdxvhFrgh†1#Jr#wr#wkh#Txhvw#Sdjh#dqg#xvh#wkh#frgh#wr#fodlp#|rxu#sul}h1#kwwsv=22zzz1mhweudlqv1frp2surpr2txhvw2" line: String = Qlfh$#Li#|rx#duh#uhdglqj#wklv#|rx#pxvw#kdyh#zrunhg#rxw#krz#wr#ghfu|sw#lw1#Wklv#lv#rxu#lvvxh#wudfnhu#ghvljqhg#iru#djloh#whdpv1#Lw#lv#iuhh#iru#xs#wr#6#xvhuv#lq#Forxg#dqg#iru#43#xvhuv#lq#Vwdqgdorqh/#vr#li#|rx#zdqw#wr#jlyh#lw#d#jr#lq#|rxu#whdp#wkhq#zh#wrwdoo|#uhfrpphqg#lw1#|rx#kdyh#ilqlvkhg#wkh#iluvw#Txhvw/#qrz#lw“v#wlph#wr#uhghhp#|rxu#iluvw#sul}h1#Wkh#frgh#iru#wkh#iluvw#txhvw#lv#‟EhfdxvhFrgh†1#Jr#wr#wkh#Txhvw#Sdjh#dqg#xvh#wkh#frgh#wr#fodlp#|rxu#sul}h1#kwwsv=22zzz1mhweudlqv1frp2surpr2txhvw2
scala> line.map(ch => (ch - ('J'-'G')).toChar).mkString res8: String = Nice! If you are reading this you must have worked out how to decrypt it. This is our issue tracker designed for agile teams. It is free for up to 3 users in Cloud and for10 users in Standalone, so if you want to give it a go in your team then we totally recommend it. you have finished the first Quest, now it’s time to redeem your first prize. The code for the first quest is “BecauseCode”. Go to the QuestPage and use the code to claim your prize. https://www.jetbrains.com/promo/quest/
scala> val line = ".spleh A+lrtC/dmC .thgis fo tuo si ti semitemos ,etihw si txet nehw sa drah kooL .tseretni wohs dluohs uoy ecalp a si ,dessecorp si xat hctuD erehw esac ehT .sedih tseuq fo txen eht erehw si ,deificeps era segaugnal cificeps-niamod tcudorp ehT" line: String = .spleh A+lrtC/dmC .thgis fo tuo si ti semitemos ,etihw si txet nehw sa drah kooL .tseretni wohs dluohs uoy ecalp a si ,dessecorp si xat hctuD erehw esac ehT .sedih tseuq fo txen eht erehw si ,deificeps era segaugnal cificeps-niamod tcudorp ehT
scala> line.reverse res0: String = The product domain-specific languages are specified, is where the next of quest hides. Thecase where Dutch tax is processed, is a place you should show interest. Look hard as when text is white, sometimes it is out of sight. Cmd/Ctrl+A helps.
The product domain-specific languages are specified, is where the next of quest hides. The case where Dutch tax is processed, is a place you should show interest. Look hard as when text is white, sometimes it is out of sight. Cmd/Ctrl+A helps
这会打开一个新的PDF文件,还记得之前的提示吗 Look hard as when text is white, sometimes it is out of sight. Cmd/Ctrl+A helps.
1 2 3 4
This is our 20th year as a company, we have shared numbers in our JetBrains Annual report, sharing the section with 18,650 numbers will progress your quest.
Report and Button
I have found the JetBrains Quest! Sometimes you just need to look closely at the Haskell language, Hello,World! in the hackathon lego brainstorms project https://blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2019/11/22/jetbrains-7th-annual-hackathon/ #JetBrainsQuest
You have passed the second quest and have proven yourself a worthy contender for our devious puzzles. We have one last quest in this series for you. It will be the ultimate quest, and it will secure your place in the halls of JetBrains Quest legend. A little @jetbrains bird will deliver the next clue – so do some birdwatching,
scala> val line = "SGF2ZSB5b3Ugc2VlbiB0aGUgcG9zdCBvbiBvdXIgSW5zdGFncmFtIGFjY291bnQ/" line: String = SGF2ZSB5b3Ugc2VlbiB0aGUgcG9zdCBvbiBvdXIgSW5zdGFncmFtIGFjY291bnQ/
scala> java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(line).map(_.toChar).mkString res0: String = Have you seen the post on our Instagram account?
scala> val s = "Zh#kdyh#ehhq#zrunlqj#552:#rq#wkh#ylghr#iru#wkh#iluvw#hslvrgh#ri#wkh#SksVwrup#HDS1#Li#zh#jdyh#|rx#d#foxh/#lw#zrxog#eh#hdv|#dv#sl1" s: String = Zh#kdyh#ehhq#zrunlqj#552:#rq#wkh#ylghr#iru#wkh#iluvw#hslvrgh#ri#wkh#SksVwrup#HDS1#Li#zh#jdyh#|rx#d#foxh/#lw#zrxog#eh#hdv|#dv#sl1
scala> s.map(ch => (ch - ('#' - ' ')).toChar).mkString res4: String = We have been working 22/7 on the video for the first episode of the PhpStormEAP. If we gave you a clue, it would be easy as pi.
What is the name of the newest JetBrains product? 答 Space
What year was JetBrains founded? 答 2000
Where is JetBrains headquarters? 答 捷克共和国
How many developers use our products? 答 8 million
What year was Kotlin introduced for the first time? 答 2011
Which country had the highest growing rate of downloads for 2019? 答 Burkina Faso
How many people founded JetBrains? 答 3
How many employees does JetBrains have? 答 1256
How much external funding have JetBrains received? 答 0
From the Forbes Top 100 digital companies, how many use our products? 答 95
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Almost there! The last challenge is in the Tips of the Day of a specific IntelliJ IDEA Community version from our latest build page in Confluence, but… there is a catch. You have to know which version to look for. To find the build number, you need sight beyond sight:
. Not Everything Today Does All You Could Ask. Lessons Learned From Other Relevant Solutions, Possibly Even Another Kind Emerge. Risking Sometimes Being Liberal Or Generous Proves Ordinary Simple Tests Infinitely More Annoying. Get Examining Hidden Initial Designated Early Symbols. They Have Everything Needed, Except Xerox, To Completely Level Up Everything.
1 2 3 4 5
scala> val line = ". Not Everything Today Does All You Could Ask. Lessons Learned From Other Relevant Solutions, Possibly Even Another Kind Emerge. Risking Sometimes Being Liberal Or Generous Proves Ordinary Simple Tests Infinitely More Annoying. Get Examining Hidden Initial Designated Early Symbols. They Have Everything Needed, Except Xerox, To Completely Level Up Everything." line: String = . NotEverythingTodayDoesAllYouCouldAsk. LessonsLearnedFromOtherRelevantSolutions, PossiblyEvenAnotherKindEmerge. RiskingSometimesBeingLiberalOrGenerousProvesOrdinarySimpleTestsInfinitelyMoreAnnoying. GetExaminingHiddenInitialDesignatedEarlySymbols. TheyHaveEverythingNeeded, ExceptXerox, ToCompletelyLevelUpEverything.
valB: Matrix = Array(Array(1,0),Array(0,1)) val a: Matrix = Array(Array(1,1),Array(1,0)) val b: Matrix = Array(Array(0,1), Array(1,-1)) if (n > 0) pow(a, B, n)(1)(0) else pow(b, B, 1-n)(0)(0) } }
scala> val x = Fib.fib(50000000).toString x: String = 46027134134331544532644523321018231246601789999278787750996232746285440008260845207292751373863063136109700395421340191690944799115396677587657065483882627093959104014474142751929723970951003729010625584111720279948233083391187074112128997051087841910469900302469028904301627684769178975443236869633635266383295864025985376849952974675314505841523224026295277530566720685827999764529550771403644356336116277430300068829944643897066291034660424393991878189124317540208284663285540477230578011892616747892072245412629172630839458603206256745366250260029509522623980648979192719884814190689613308024001032163978529782587710450786667556422574798722088143394375185386164394142278761603242028382026936677011173891244104499654098451229823156249181136506503816303657652206166836283354070250584...
objectFib{ defmain(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val n = 50000000 deflast: Int = { var (a, b, number) = (0, 1, n) val mod = 10000 while (number > 0) { val temp = a + b a = b b = temp % mod number -= 1 } a }
deffirst= { val x = (math.sqrt(5) + 1) / 2 val lx = n * math.log10(x) - 0.5 * math.log10(5) math.pow(10, lx - math.floor(lx)) }